Are You a Nurse with a Licensing Board Case and Administrative Action?
I'm Frances Cullen. If you're a nurse with a licensing board case, an administrative action, or a criminal action, we have 25 years of experience we will bring to bear in providing you with the best legal representation possible for your case.
Levy Pruett Cullen is a law firm dedicated to the defense of licensed professionals. We have extensive experience in representing numerous healthcare professionals with issues before professional licensing boards, before professional review agencies, and obtaining licensure in the state of Georgia.
We also provide representation for all types of criminal cases, any of which could impact your ability to practice your profession.
It is important to have an attorney on your side that is knowledgeable regarding the full scope of potential issues that could affect a licensee, and we'll pay particularized attention to the facts of your case.
Determining a defense to any licensing or criminal action, we will consider the various collateral consequences to figure out the best possible outcome.
The successful resolution of each case can vary for every client. Some individuals will spare obtaining the best possible result if they can obtain a speedy case resolution. Others can bear the emotional toll of working through case slowly but want to fight for the best result possible.
We listen to you and we pay attention to your needs.
For applicants, we are knowledgeable regarding each licensing board's requirements and can assist you in obtaining your professional license. If you are faced with an issue with a lapsed license, we can help you with the reinstatement of your license. We are familiar with all of the different licensing laws, regulations, and the collateral consequences that attached to a licensee.
At Levy Pruett Cullen, we can help you with your licensing case, administrative issues, civil cases, and criminal matters to reach the best possible resolution.