When an Uninsured Motorist Carrier Answers in its Own Name, it Must Do So Within the Time Provided or Risk Default Judgment

It is established law in Georgia that when an insurance company is served with a complaint as the plaintiff’s uninsured motorist carrier, the carrier has the option of answering in the name of the defendant, answering in its own name (and raising policy defenses), or filing no answer at all.

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No Summary Judgment When Defendant Can be Construed to Have "Set The Stage" for The Injury

The take-away: property owners should be aware that even when there is evidence of plaintiff’s own negligence, such as deviation from a prescribed path, defendants may still need to prove that they did not set the stage, i.e., in some way entice the guest to the hazard.

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Georgia Supreme Court Sides with State on Amount of Loss Requirement for Pre-Suit Notices

In the 6-1 decision penned by Justice Carol Hunstein earlier this month, the High Court found that Myers could have provided the amount of her medical expenses known at the time of her ante-litem notice and simply stated that she was still undergoing treatment.

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